Congratulations! You have reached the end of this series of tutorials. I hope that they have given you some new ideas and techniques to try out for yourself. Even though text effects are interesting in themselves, they can also lead to discoveries totally unrelated to text. The use of lenses, tone curves, textures and masks play particularly important roles in everyday use for a wide variety of images and objects. Please try using these tools and techniques on photographs and floating objects. If you wish, send me some of your results - I'd love to see them (please keep them under 200Kb though - thanks).
Following this series is a series on creating Fire and Ice Text Effects - please spend some time trying these techniques out too.
Corel have just released version 11 of the newly renamed CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 11. From all reports so far, from beta testers to reviewers through to die-hard Adobe fans, the new Corel suite is getting rave reviews and passes critical reviews with flying colours. Stay tuned for a full review sometime soon.
Thus I will soon be using Photo-Paint version 11 for all the new tutorials I write. Good news for those using this new version. But not so good news for those still using version 8 or even earlier. There have been so many changes to Photo-Paint since version 8 it is now quite difficult to continue to refer to version 8 commands and menus when writing these tuts. I must make a choice to try to keep the amount of work required down and so, sadly, I will will not be referring to version 8 commands or menus in future tutorials. As Corel is one of the few companies that support and continue to sell the last previous version of its software, and at incredibly reasonable prices I must add, I would urge all users of Photo-Paint versions earlier than 9 to at least upgrade to Corel Essentials - the full version of Draw and Photo-Paint version 9 at around 1/8th of the cost of the original full version. Also, look out in the near future for a repackaged, cheaper version 10, now that version 11 has been released.
To those of you who have been waiting tirelessly for ages for new materials to appear on this site, once again I apologise for delays. Creating these tutorials takes an enormous amount of time and effort, but the feedback and 'thank you's' I receive from readers make it all worthwhile. Suggestions are always most welcome and I enjoy answering email questions when I can, and when they are relatively simple in scope.
Enjoy Life!
Make Peace, not War!
Respect your neighbors and they will respect you even more.- David Mutch, September, 2002.
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x t E f f e c t s # 3 M
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